Mar 11, 2019

Going on hiatus

It is with a little disappointment and a lot of trepidation that I am announcing a “hiatus” of posting to this site.  Frankly, I’m just not feeling it right now, between the time suck it takes to try to keep it even remotely fresh (let alone current) and the lack of motivation.  It’s hard to want to write about your travels when you’re just not traveling like you used to for the time being.

So, as with previous long lapses between blog posts, I will be devoting my energies elsewhere for a few months until I can give “Travels of a Commoner” the proper attention I feel it deserves. I still have a vision for a bigger and better blog someday … just now is not that day.

I am keeping the site “live,” so feel free to visit any old content.  I will also be checking in on the administrative end, so comments (always) are welcome.    

Stay tuned …      

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A commoner dines at Baumgartner’s Cheese Store and Tavern, Monroe, Wis.

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